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∎ Libro Donald Trump and America Apocalypse eBook Bob Thiel

Donald Trump and America Apocalypse eBook Bob Thiel

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"Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains about how, by virtue of his background and and stated policies, Donald Trump is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the Apocalypse and the future destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, it cites biblical and other prophecies and shows how events are aligning with, and will align with various of them. It answers questions many question, like Is Donald Trump apocalyptic? Is he the 'Trump of God'? Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Who will destroy the USA? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, "Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. Plus, four he has written would happen if Donald Trump was elected have already been at least partially confirmed. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Donald Trump has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.

Donald Trump and America Apocalypse eBook Bob Thiel

Dr. Thiel presents a compelling case that our current President may be apocalyptic in the sense that what he has promised in his campaign and the actions he has taken in the first few days of office is setting up conditions that will allow a European beast power to rise and try to take over the world. Dr. Thiel uses not only the Bible to show what to expect in these last days, but he also uses prophetic traditions from Catholic and Islamic sources. This isn't the first time Dr. Thiel has written about important people in current times and trying to tie them into the Tribulation. He has also written a book about Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and even Pope Francis.

If I were a "futurist" I would say Dr. Thiel has done his homework, with tons of research. He almost convinced me that "preterism" is false. The operative word here is "almost." He has given me a lot to think about, though. I'm glad I got this book, which I got on Kindle.

Product details

  • File Size 1208 KB
  • Print Length 188 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Nazarene Books; 1 edition (January 16, 2017)
  • Publication Date January 16, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

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Tags : Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse eBook: Bob Thiel: Kindle Store,ebook,Bob Thiel,Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse,Nazarene Books,Religion Religion, Politics & State
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Donald Trump and America Apocalypse eBook Bob Thiel Reviews

I couldn't finish it. I didn't vote for him and don't care for his juvenile habit of tweeting every thought that pops into that fifth grade mind of his. He received the electoral college majority, but not the most votes. He lost the vote count by 2 million votes. America is split right down the middle. We need people with answers to America's problems now. Not another book about how Trump is going to end America. That was started way before him.
an eye opening!
Just like all of Dr. Thiel's very timely. Such prophetic insight makes him my go-to source for prophetic interpretation.
Was a gift to my mother in law
An interesting look at a destructive president. I can see many of the things leading to the destruction of democracy and the United States.
The other reviewer who posts with as "King's Kid" is completely wrong. He clearly did not read the book nor does he understand prophecy. In 1 Thes 520, we are admonished to NOT despise prophecies. But that's exactly what he is doing. Biblical prophecy is being played out right now as the Europeans begin to unite and look toward themselves and a strong military. Trumps actions (and rhetoric) are one cause of this. Brexit is another. Europe will rise and the USA will be destroyed as a result.

In another of King's Kids' reviews, he gives 5 stars to Trump's book "Great Again". That reviewer is clearly relying on a man. But, the fact is that the USA is on the path to destruction. In spite of Trump's populist message (not all of which I disagree with), he will simply not be able to make America great again. It's not that he won't try - it's that it can't be done (by anyone). Prophecy is clear about the destruction of the USA which will be punished for its many sins (violence, immorality, debt, etc). This is not something I am looking forward to as the USA is my home. Dr. Thiel does not say that Trump is the cause of the problem. However, because of the timing of Trump's presidency (or Hillary if she was president), Trump will be apocalyptic. The actions he will take will mesh with world events to bring about end-time (6000 years) events.
Dr. Thiel presents a compelling case that our current President may be apocalyptic in the sense that what he has promised in his campaign and the actions he has taken in the first few days of office is setting up conditions that will allow a European beast power to rise and try to take over the world. Dr. Thiel uses not only the Bible to show what to expect in these last days, but he also uses prophetic traditions from Catholic and Islamic sources. This isn't the first time Dr. Thiel has written about important people in current times and trying to tie them into the Tribulation. He has also written a book about Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and even Pope Francis.

If I were a "futurist" I would say Dr. Thiel has done his homework, with tons of research. He almost convinced me that "preterism" is false. The operative word here is "almost." He has given me a lot to think about, though. I'm glad I got this book, which I got on .
Ebook PDF  Donald Trump and America Apocalypse eBook Bob Thiel

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